What Is Anarchism? - An Introduction [Unduh pdf] - Donald Rooum

Ebook Title          : What Is Anarchism
Ebook Thickness  : 161 Page
Language : English

If you were isolated you would still have the human ability to make decisions, but the range of viable decisions would be severely restricted by the environment. Society, however it is organized, gives individuals more opportunities, and anarchists think this is what society is for. They do not think society originated in some kind of conscious “social contract” but see the widening of individual choices as the function of social instincts.

Anarchists were prominent in the successful campaign against the poll tax (Community Charge), imposed not only on property owners, but equally on all users of services provided by local authorities, including the destitute and homeless. This was introduced in Scotland in 1989 and the rest of the UK in 1990, and resistance to it ended the political career of Margaret Thatcher.

This question must have struck many thoughtful men and women in England, who have heard for the first time of Anarchism as existing in their midst through the recent vituperations of the capitalist press, and certain Conservative members of the House of Commons. And we, the publishing group of the oldest and most widely circulated Communist Anarchist paper in England, wish to meet this question fairly and frankly, and in reply to plainly state our own convictions on the subject.

By the time of the second meeting, we had given ourselves the name of “The League Against Capital Punishment,” This was the foundation of the National Campaign for the Abolition of Capital Punishment . . . eventually to see the diminutive Sidney Silverman triumphant. In all the self-congratulation of the influential who had joined the campaign after it got going, few, I suspect, raised their champagne glasses to Kitty Lamb and Gerald Kingshott, who had sparked the whole thing off.

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