Principles of Philosophy of the Future [Unduh pdf] - Ludwig Feuerbach

Ebook Title          : Principles of Philosophy of the Future
Ebook Thickness  : 88 Page
Language : English

“God is unconditional, general – 'God is not this or that particular thing' – immutable, eternal, or timeless being.” But absoluteness, immutability, eternality, and generality are, according to the judgment of metaphysical theology itself, also qualities of the truths or laws of reason, and hence the qualities of reason itself; for what else are these immutable, general, absolute, and universally valid truths of reason if not expressions of the essence of reason itself?

According to its historical point of departure, the new philosophy has the same task and position in relation to the hitherto existing philosophy as the latter had in relation to theology. The new philosophy is the realisation of the Hegelian philosophy or of all preceding philosophy, but a realisation which is simultaneously the negation, and indeed the negation without contradiction of this philosophy.

The Hegelian philosophy has remained unable to overcome the contradiction of thought and being. The Being with which the Phenomenology begins stands no less than theBeing with which the Logic begins in the most direct contradiction to real being.

The sensuous is not the immediate in the sense of speculative philosophy; i.e., in the sense in which it is the profane, the readily obvious, the thoughtless, the self-evident. According to speculative philosophy the immediate sensuous perception comes later than conception and fantasy. Man's first conception is itself only a conception based on imagination and fantasy. The task of philosophy and science consists, therefore, not in turning away from sensuous – i.e., real things – but in turning towards them – not in transforming objects into thoughts and ideas, but in making visible – i.e., objective – what is invisible to common eyes.

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